(copied from robocup-sim mailing list) The 15th RoboCup IranOpen (IranOpen 2021) Competition will be held, Tehran, Iran on 6-12 May.(www.2021.IranOpen.ir) As a member of the technical committee, I would be honored to invite you to participate in Soccer Simulation 2D League (Remote and Free). Registration Conditions: 1.This competition will be held remotely. 2.Participation cost in this Competition is free for Non-domestic teams. 3.There is no qualification round for Non-domestic teams, so you can participate without sending a TDP. 4.Non-domestic teams should also send their information in the form of an email with the subject of "IranOpen2021" to nader.zare88@gmail.com before the deadline(25 April). This information included : 1.Team Leader: 2.E-Mail: 3.Country(ies) 4.Affiliation(s) 5.Team members *Teams can upload a new binary before each round! Thank you for your consideration, and do not hesitate to contact us at…