3D Tools and Support

Important resources for the 3D Simulation League are listed here. An installation guide for a competition set-up can be found here. The vital components for getting started are the simulator and viewer modules, both described below.

RoboCup 3D Tutorials for Newcomers

In 2021, the Soccer Simulation 3D League community held a set of tutorials to demonstrate how to start a team from scratch. The content of these tutorials provides all support a new team needs to start its own project and create a team to join the 3D Simulation community. See the links for each Tutorial below.

RoboCup 3D Organizing Committee guide

Complete tutorial about setting up the software and network environment for 3D Soccer Simulation Competition.

RoboCup Competitions archive

TDPs, binaries, logs and replays.

SimSpark and RCSS Server 3D repository

The 3D Main Simulator. Installation instructions can be found here.

Client Agent Proxy repository

The client agent proxy installation instructions and documentation can be found here.

RoboViz repository

A 3d Viewer for live games and replays. Installation instructions can be found here.

Community communication

Please join our Discord server to follow and contribute to the community.

Older ways of communication, but still in use are the Simulation League mailing list for 2D and 3D and the 3D Soccer Server mailing list specifically for 3D.

3D Agent Source-Code Releases

A set of source-code releases, which include omnidirectional walks, get-up behaviors, kick motions, and SimSpark/Gazebo interfaces.

3D Gazebo Plug-In repository

Used in some challenges for the teams.

Soccer Simulator 3D/Simspark wiki 

For further documentation of the simulator.